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Stage Lighting at Concert


This agreement is made between Stage Art Chicago and the Customer. This agreement covers rental equipment, technician, sound engineer and service labor.   




Stage Art Chicago accepts cash and business checks. Customer pickup must be paid in full before any equipment is released. Delivered equipment must be paid in full or before the time of delivery before any equipment is released or setup. Payment must be made in full 24 hours before scheduled pick up or delivery date.   




All equipment rentals and event production require a 50% deposit to hold the equipment or event date. This payment can be cash or business check. If for any reason the customer cancels the agreement prior to the event, the deposit will not be refunded. If Stage Art Chicago cancels the agreement prior to the event, the deposit will be refunded to the customer. 




The customer accepts complete responsibility for any loss and or damage that is caused to the equipment due to the negligence and or improper use of the rented equipment.


The customer will notify Stage Art Chicago if there is any loss and or damage to the rented equipment due to customer negligence and or improper use. Not using the rented equipment the way the Company and or the manufacturer’s instructions; not using the rented equipment for its intended purpose; allowing the rented equipment out of customers personal control and possession; and or not protecting the rented equipment from damage or loss all hereby constitute “improper use”.


The customer further agrees to pay the cost of replacement or any repairs to the rented equipment up to the retail price of the rented equipment for negligence and or improper use that causes damage or loss to the rented equipment.


The customer assumes all risk or loss, destruction and liability resulting from the use of the rented equipment and hereby acknowledges that the Company will not be held liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct or consequential, that may arise out of the use or the improper use of the rented equipment regardless if used singularly or in connection with any other equipment.




Stage Art Chicago provides delivery and setup if needed, please contact us for more details. Rental equipment will be delivered and setup on the day of the event. Pickup and return is either on the day of the event or next day. If the rental equipment is delivered and setup by Stage Art Chicago, the system will be tested by the technician before the event begins.

Rental Policy
Deposits/ Cancellation 
Damaged, Lost or Unreturned Equipment
Delivery, Pickup & Return
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